Girlfriend se bani mistress

 This story of mine is inspired by real events which happened with me and it has left a deep impact on me,everything changed after this My girlfriend (now she prefer me calling her malkin) rashi(name changed) changed me.

She is 20 yrs old and my senior. In the same college. We met in the library wherein we bumped into each other and it was *love @ first sight* in my case and I started following her. Well she was one hell of an angel and she was around 5’6 and perfect figure with perfect boobs and one of the most lickable ass.

We became friends and after around 3 months of talking regularly we got into a relationship. She was real hot and guys used to wet their pants just looking at her swaying ass. We first kissed @ the library and soon after 5-6 days I was in her bed with her laying on top on top of me.
I never knew this would become the turning point of my life.

She lived in a flat alone so we had no problem in making out sex. This was one fine afternoon when we both dropped off to her home and I had some sleep at her home. After about an hour a woke up and was kinda shocked because she was lying on me and I was naked too. We both smiled at each other and soon out lips met. My tongue was exploring her mouth and she bit my tongue. She turned me on to a great extent and the suddenly she got separated and asked me:

RASHI: do you love me?
ME: yaa babe…
RASHI: can you prove it.?
ME: what do you want me to do.?
RASHI: can you drink my spit?
ME: *speechless*
RASHI: tell me asshole(I love being abused by girls and getting a beating from them and I get turned on and that was the reason she started abusing)

ME: baby if you want I can.
Just as I finished speaking the sentence she spit on my face and slapped me hard on my face. i looked at her and she slapped again on my face and I was awestruck.

ME: why are you hitting me babe?
RASHI: don’t you like it asshole?
ME: yaaa but….

And again she slapped. And then she spits on my face and then in my mouth. I was turned on and then I dunno what happened but I said

ME: aaaah mistress please do it more am loving it.
RASHI: ooh so am your mistress now..?? good my sweet puppy…

I was too hot to respond to that and then she kissed me on my lips and then she did something I wasn’t sure I could have survived. She got her clean shaved yet sweaty armpits up to my mouth and put them on my lips.

I was then ordered to lick it. I was reluctant at the first but then she pinched my balls and took them in her hand and started squeezing them hard. I cried in pain and started licking her sweat. I would say that I liked that so much that even today she uses my tongue to clean her armpits. We did a lot of activities that day and from that day I am her little puppy, puppet or even her cleaning slave.

Even she turned hot and in that heat she started beating me and abusing a lot. She then spitted on her boobs and nipples and asked me to lick them clean. She had those big boobs with those cherry nipples on them and I was the lucky one to lick them and suck on it. She was still sitting on my stomach.

She then shifted back on my dick and started jumping on it hard and meanwhile she pinched my nipples hard and spitted on my face. she then moved towards my face and perfectly placed her pussy over my face and asked me to lick it. Though it was taken good care of, yet it had some hairs coming out of it and it smelt a bit. I started licking it.

By then I had properly submitted myself to her and that’s why I started pleasing her myself. She was moaning hard… aaaaaahhh u fucking asshole… lick that sweat of my divine body you filthy slave…. You are meant to eat my pussy and sniff my armpits u fucking bloody pussy. I was getting hot with every passing moment. I started licking sweat of the ends of her leg near her pussy. She took hold of my dick with one of her hand and started shaking it and with her second hand she started squeezing my balls.

She suddenly turned around and took hold of my hairs and suddenly placed her pussy over my mouth and she started peeing in my mouth. It felt filthy and I closed my mouth but then she pinched my nipples hard and I was forced to drink it, though after a few gulps, I started enjoying it and drinking it. I then cleaned her pussy and licked it for her.

She was at her heights by now and she drifted forward and now her asshole rested on my mouth. I was horrified but then she ordered me to lick it and tongue fuck it. It wasn’t dirty at all and I later felt honored to get access to that pink spot of her body. I licked it with all my strength.

She started shaking a bit and asked me to stop. She placed her pussy on my mouth and I started to tongue fuck it and then she came in my mouth it was one of the best refreshment I ever had.

She then sat on my dick, with her face towards me, and took it inside her and started fucking. She then paused for a min and pushed her leg in my mouth and I was then being fucked by her leg,that were hot. I was about to cum and I told her. She asked me to cum on her boobs and I did. She then slapped me a few times and then patted me for being a good dog to her.

At the end she ordered me to lick her nose. I found it gross so I denied it. She slapped me, pinched me, squeezed my balls so I just licked the holes and the outer area. Yet she was satisfied and warned me that next time, she would get my filthy tongue up in her nose and would feed me that.

Its been around a month by now and i clean her pussy more often and she likes to pee in my mouth. Often on Sundays or off days she takes a bath and then gives me a bath, from water mixed with her sweat, urine and spit.

I love her company a lot and also when she hits me. She likes it when I walk around her on all my four legs and lick her legs when I want her to use me.

We even had a session in which 3 seniors including her, dominated my and used me which am gonna tell you later in my next story, depending on the response that id get from you people.

So if any girl or aunty wanna have this kind of aspirations from their husbands or bf, then I can be your online support. Just subscribe or post a comment here.


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